Stanislav Petrovsky
Life RoadMap
Owner / Co-Founder Holly Earth MetaVerse Project "HEMP"
* HollyEarthDAO * MetaSportDAO * 3AbrahamsDAO * 21ScienceDAO
First track together Dr.petrovsky feat Roman Kondratyuk (Shum).
RAP Artist
rest in peace
1-st Kabbalah Group Latvija
The first group of Kabbalists organized by Dmitry Izvestny, Inga Yudina and Stanislav Petrovsky with the support of Leonid Elizarov
photo shoot with 100 photographers from all over the world
Yoga / Hatha / Tantra
Traveling to Israel and living in Bnei Brak.Internship 3 months in Bnei Baruch - on TV. Meeting with Michael Lightman and creating the first virtual platform for BB Groups in 52 Countries together with Nikolai Kovardin and Yuri (Israel).
Bnei Baruch Israel
Home Yoga Practices - Hatha | Kriya | Tantra .
- Dipika Yoga School (Natalia Dubinina)
- Tantra Yoga (Sergey Dubinin - NadaBaba)
During the internship, thanks to the united Bnei Baruch team, we visited Safed and the burial grounds of the ARI and Rabash. We visited the cave where the book ZOAR was written. And also prepared and organized several congresses from 3000 to 5000 participants. This gave a transformation of views and values in my new life
Ivo Briedisa's documentary showing real life at the Bethlehem House of Mercy (That was the name of the rehabilitation).
Film Nacionalais Pieskariens
With the blessing of the Archbishop of the Catholic Church in Latvia - Zbigniews Stankiewicz - we, as missionaries, received a house of 1500 square meters in which we used the 12-step program and developed a rehabilitation model for +- 30 people.

Rehabelitation and missioner
Riga, Katoļu iela 14 (1500 m2)
Dana Anskaite - REHAB Vaditaja
(Laba Zvaigzne - Premija)
Zbignevs Stankevics - Latvijas Katolu ArhiBiscaps
During the whole period of rehabilitation we had more than 80 people coming to us who had been going through the 12 Steps program for 1.5 years. We ran this house without financial support for about 2 years, getting food, clothes, medicines for the rehabilitants. Thanks to God and the Christian community of different denominations who supported us both spiritually and with essential food.
Familiarity and application of the AQAL Integral Map in personal Life
It is a monastery of Capuchin monks, under the direction of Brother Peter and under the patronage of the Pope. A monastery for women and men. Here we were trained to lead the Apostolic way of life, the practice of prayer, the basics of psychology, apologetics, acting, working with children, helping priests and organizing recalcitrations. Development of churches and the growth of people in Christian communities.
Ken Uilber ( IntegralPractice ) AQAL
Capuchin Мonastery Missioner School
Completion of studies and blessing from Priests and Bishops for Missionaries of Charity
Advocacy is an excellent example of Aleksandrs Molokovskis (HIV.LV) and his team in organizing a number of advocacy activities that have borne fruit and have resulted in 18 amendments to the law for residents of Latvia to receive Hepatitis C treatment free of charge.
Thanks to Vyacheslav Shellar and Sergei Tichy, Valentina Novikova Program Manager of the Independence School project came to Riga
Clinical psychologist. Consultant on chemical dependency. International trainer in organizing and conducting processes of addiction and co-dependence therapy. We gained excellent experience, which we further used in counseling.
Advocation (
Valentina Novikova - Addiction
First round tables on the topic of Integral City - psychologists, priest, police officer, director of the House of Culture in New Vilna and other interesting people participated.
NOVAWILNA - Integral City
Practicing in Altered States of Consciousness.
( Gaining Life Experience )
DRUGS Practice - 14 Crimes
This project was realized thanks to Oleg May
Organization of round tables on the topic of the Integral City
UrbanWorkOut & IWorkout Zone
HappyArt Museum - Round table Integral City
Интегральные города - тренинг в Риге
Joint training with Artur Zolotoy, Andris Morozov and Vitaly Dubov .
Oleg Onopchenko communicated a lot with our family during the last years of his life, we together built methodology and development programs for individuals, groups and the whole humanity. ( In the future we will publish these ideas and realize them in reality).
Advocacy for Ernest Rieksts against Lattelecom's actions
Oleg Onopchenko
Hostel Advokacija
Meeting of the Working Group on Drug Policy in Latvia and Central Europe.
Project "Evaluating the Impact of Drug Policy on Change
Central and Eastern Europe"
6th Interdisciplinary Working Group Meeting on Harm
access to harm reduction in Latvia
Creation of a club of like-minded people with Danza Makabra and Victor Elkin . What then grew into the Castalia Club
MVD - NarcoPolitics
Касталийский Клуб
We are the leading firm by delivering quality and value to our clients. All our professionals have more than 5 years of legal experiences. We like what we do.
First short film by Stanislav Petrovsky featuring Alexander van Bolmat
Meeting in Riga
Short Film "SUKA"
Integral City Conference with Lev Gordon
Business start
Thanks to Pavel Levushkan for inviting me to the lamp festival where we talked about Spiral Dynamics together
VIP Kosher Cleaning
Festival LAMPA - Spiral Dynamic
Congeress in Riga
European Federation of Centres of Research and information on sects and cult
Project RAP GURU ACADEMY (Pilot Video) / This is a platform for more experienced artists to pass their experience to new talents.
Here are formed modules with the help of which in 3 - 6 months ( We can create an Artist from scratch, or bring to a new stage already ready artists ).
The training methodology uses a game-based and integral approach that helps to develop all areas of life.
Our first motivational video together with the Mikalauskas Brothers and Oleg Khrusty
GoldenGlory Team & VM Team
Rap Guru Academy (Pilot Version)
In this episode we met with KPC / Sound engineer ("Sounds of Silence" recording studio) KPC is currently working in Riga at Radio BALTCOM.
GoldenGloryPro 9
GoldenGloryPro 10
GoldenGloryPro 11
Workflows in our studio and more. See what we can do
OMFX Studio (OpenMindedHD Production)
Фотосессия в Royal Casino
Nude / Erotic (Photoshoot)
Integral Life Practice is a new approach to well-being, awareness and transformation. Instead of focusing on only one aspect of yourself, ILP (Integral Life Practice) offers a holistic and balanced approach to realizing the full spectrum of your being.
This is what we mean by Integral: comprehensive, balanced, inclusive. By Life, we mean LIFE - the whole enchilada of love, consciousness, body, relationships, work, emotions, and the mystery of existence.
IntegralLife Practice 2018
DG Brothers Project
Practice means what we do, usually to improve ourselves in some way - to make ourselves happier, stronger, smarter, more able to love and help others. We practice to unlock the potential of who we really are.
In summary, Integral Life Practice is a holistic and balanced approach to practicing for life - our individual lives, the lives of others, even the life of the planet.
ILP contains specific practices in a structure that unifies them.
The practices and the structure are equally important. Practicing ensures that you are actually doing something, not just thinking about it.
It's our kids' project. There will be more content soon.
Author Irina Petrovskaya's project on the theme "Control Your Egoistic Desires".
ARI in Power 2020
Champions Legend
Author's project by Dmitry Andreev and Stanislav Petrovsky on the theme of sports
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